Dr Jerer Lim

A general practitioner with surgical training and a focus on family medicine, dedicated to patient education and effective communication.


MBBS (S'pore)
Certified Lasting Power of Attorney Issuer
Medical Director

Dr Jerer Lim is a General Practitioner with previous working experience in both public hospitals and several private GP clinics.

After graduating from National University of Singapore - Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (MBBS), he received further training in several surgical specialities including Orthopaedics, General Surgery and Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

He also rotated through General Medicine and Emergency Medicine before deciding to dedicate himself to pursue a career in Family Medicine.

Dr Jerer has a special interest in Sports Medicine, especially sport-related injuries and surgical conditions.

Dr Jerer Lim strongly believes in clear and precise communication with his patients and in patient education to empower them to better manage their illnesses and medical conditions.

In his spare time, Dr Jerer enjoys spending time exercising, gaming and playing his guitar.


Our Yishun Family Clinic